Mr Ahmed Omar Maiteeg Deputy Prime Minister of the Presidential Council of the GNA met on Thursday morning in his office with the Dean and members of the municipal council of Tarhuna and Deputy of Zitouna University. In the framework of the GNA’s attention to follow-up for essential services to areas of government, where during the meeting the level of public utilities discussed and to look for developing ways.
Mr Maiteeg debated with the gentlemen from Tarhouna the possibility of providing an emergency budget for the general A&E hospital of Tarhouna which suffers from an acute shortage of medicines, medical equipment, as well as solving the problem of water scarcity in some the city’s outskirts. Also to provide the necessary services for many Libyan families that displaced from Sirte region caused by terrorist acts carried out by the “Daesh” there. According to official reports, the number of displaced families has reached 3,000 families, also addressed the ways of supporting the Zitouna University, which began to take action to open up some new faculties.